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Pork Butt ??
On Fri, 01 May 2009 19:00:42 -0500, Sky >
>Nancy2 wrote:
>> The best use of a pork butt (or pork shoulder) is to put it in the
>> crockpot and when it's finished (long and slow), take it out, dump the
>> excess liquid out of the pot, pull the meat apart with forks or
>> fingers, douse it in BBQ sauce, put it back in the pot to heat
>> through, and make pulled pork samwiches. Yummy!
>> I generally put it in with some sliced or quarter chunks of onion,
>> garlic, various spices, salt & pepper, and just about a half cup of
>> liquid - chicken stock, veg stock, or the like - about 6-8 hours on
>> low should do it.
>> N.
>Your recipe sounds really tasty, Nancy. I'm getting all sorts of
>inspiration Alas, I don't have a crockpot large enough for this
>'beast', but I'll manage the low-n-slow in my oven ;D
>Sky, who's getting a lot of great ideas - thanks folks
The oven works just fine too as long as you have the temp low