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Kelly Greene Kelly Greene is offline
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Posts: 12
Default I make good stuff!

"Kathi Jones" > wrote in message
> Interesting observation today....Ok, well, maybe not, but it was an
> eye-opener for me....
> I've been working as a retail field merchandiser for almost 4 weeks now,
> and today I was doing a Food Basics (grocery store). My morning
> assignment was the jam and peanut butter section. Holy cow! There's some
> really crappy jams and jellies and marmalades out there! There were 2
> marmalades on the shelf - one had thick cut peel and one had slivers of
> peel in it...and in both cases there was hardly ANY peel at all. I never
> shop in the jam and jelly section of the stores because, of course, I
> make my own. So this was new to me. That store bought stuff is pathetic!
> It's no wonder everyone likes the goodies I gift them at Christmas!
> Maybe I need to get out more....
> Kathi

We only eat Smucker's brand sugar-free jams and jellies. They're delicious
and nothing compares to them. I find those made at home by friends or
relatives to be too sweet, too sugary.
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