Bikes now OT
On 2009-05-02, Leonard Blaisdell > wrote:
> I had four bikes. A HD Topper, a Honda 90 (90 cc), a Yamaha DT-1B
> (250cc) and a Yamaha RT-1 (360cc). I still have the DT-1B that I took my
> DW on her first motorcycle ride thirty nine years ago. Sniffle.
> I remember The Allstates and Puchs which were pronounced Pukes.
> I don't believe puke was a widely accepted word in the late sixties, but
> I'm too lazy to look it up.
Great bikes, all. I'd kill for an HD Topper. Rare as hen's teeth. Honda
90s were the biggest selling bike, worldwide, in the history of motorcycles.
They still command high resale prices, specially during these high gas price
times. Yamaha was the epitome of good Japanese 2-strokes. Kawy's were
faster, Suzy's scarier, but Yammys were just simply better.