Bikes now OT
On 2009-05-02, Dimitri > wrote:
> were coming up and just starting to understand MX - it's of course many many
> years ago - When Carlsbad was equated with Caverns and not an MX course in
> CA.
Yep. I came home from the service just in time to see it all. Euro MX demo
races with Europe's best, before America even knew what MX was. Roger
DeCoster, Bengt Aberg, Joel Robert, Ake Jonsson, etc on Husky's, CZs, etc.
It was awesome. I even saw one race where Dick Mann kicked Euro GP champion
ass (Joel, Ake!) on his works BSA B50 4-stroke mx'er! Dick Mann ruled!!
Saw him 30 yrs later at that SFBA BSA meet as an old stooped wht-haired
Bilbo clone. Time marches on. :|