Paco wrote:
> "Sqwertz" > wrote in message
> ...
>> Baking soda doesn't absorb odors. That's on of the most successful
>> marketing lies of the [last] century.
> (Baking soda does absorb some odors, just not very efficiently;
> activated charcoal does a much better job of it. Baking soda helps
> neutralize odors caused by acids forming. The best solution is to
> dedicate the refrigerator to its primary intended use; keeping beer cold.)
To be effective at neutralizing odors (not "absorbing"), baking soda would
have to placed directly on the odor itself - usually an acidic substance.
An open box of BS (and that's what it is, pure BS) will do nothing (or
very little) to eliminate orders.
This is why I'm one of the three smartest men on Usenet. And since the
other two haven't been seen for almost a year (murdered?), that makes
ME #1 according to Jerry - who thinks I'm the elusive "Steve".