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Omelet[_7_] Omelet[_7_] is offline
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Default Weekend sausage making

In article >,
"brooklyn1" > wrote:

> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > I need to replace my camera. It's creating that bright spot on the
> > right upper corner in all pics, especially if I don't use the flash. It
> > makes for an interesting special effect, but I don't want that in every
> > picture. Looks like the camera is dying. <sigh>
> >
> >

> I don't see that spot.

It was most visible in the finale' shot.
> You need to try Penzys Italian herb mix.

Why? Not arguing, just curious.

> Your grinder is smearing... try chilling the meat in the freezer for a few
> minutes to firm up but not to actually freeze.

It was well chilled. I learned that lesson last time!
I'd intended to make links but did not have the stuffer for sheep
casings, and did not feel like going to the store for pork casings at 1
am. I'd been drinking martinis. <g>

I NEVER drink and drive.

> And get rid of that plastic
> bowl, use a ss bowl and freeze it, freeze your entire grinder head too...

Ok, I'll try that next time. I DO have steel bowls on hand.

> the trick is to have everything cold... I always grind meat in the early
> morning, the coolest part of the day. Also drizzle the meat with a little
> olive oil, will lubricate the grinding.

That's a cool idea.
The fatty pork does tend to be a bit sticky.

> I rarely stuff casings, too much
> hassle, I mostly make sausage patties. I make up some 1lb and 2 lb packages
> too, for meat sauce, lasagna, meat loaf and for whenever bulk sausage will
> do.

I prefer to make the 4 oz. patties for breakfast meals, but thanks!
Peace! Om

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass.
It's about learning to dance in the rain.
-- Anon.