Carl's Starter + Mike's San Franciso Starter Recipe, First Attempt
Yah Evets wrote:
> Q: I think my yeast is too fast. Is there a way to slow it down,
> while allowing the bacteria to grow for the nice sourness I am looking
> for?
> A: I think my starter has a ton of yeast in it and is super-active. I
> think I should cut the yeast down to 1/8c or even less of starter.
Temperature and hydration come to mind. Lower temperature (which may be
easy or hard for you to obtain - the fridge is too cold) or more flour.
Doesn't Mike's site call for a 100% start - e.g. 1:1 by *weight* not
volume? Maybe that's where you're getting confused? 1:1 by volume works,
but it grows faster and gets to a lower pH sooner (with less total acid)
and it does make a difference in a recipe.
> Q: How can I keep my loaf from drying out during the extended rise?
> A: Spray with oil? Cellophane maybe? Add some olive oil to the
> recipe? Not sure on this one.
A "greenhouse", as suggested by others. An inverted bowl or box will do
the trick, even in the hot desert (where I live).