As Seen on TV: Topsy Turvy Tomato Planter??
notbob wrote:
> On 2009-05-04, Janet Bostwick > wrote:
>> There are two kinds of tomato plants -- determinate and
>> indeterminate -- describes how they grow. Determinate grow to a
>> height of about 3 feet. Indeterminate will grow until frost kills
>> them. They grow in length and width. Mine grow to about 10 feet in
>> height. I would think that you would want to get the determinate
>> kind for growing in one of these planters.
> How do we ....wait for it!.... determine which is more appropriate?
Hee hee. Well, determinate tomatoes ripen at the same time, while
indeterminate tomatoes produce through the season. If you're going
to be canning them, determinate are better.