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Posts: 389
Bikes now OT
On Mon, 04 May 2009 16:00:39 -0700, Leonard Blaisdell
> wrote:
>In article >,
>> You had a topper, it was my first bike. 125cc , fiberglass body
>> panels... god imagine what it would be worth now if you had one in
>> decent condition. Mine was black, white and red.
>So was mine. Since it was ridden on desert roads a lot, the scooter was
>constantly in the shop having dirt cleaned out of the transmission. I'm
>guessing I was fourteen which would have been in 1960 when I got it
>slightly used. It passed away when my best friend borrowed it and plowed
>into the back of a slow moving car on main street while being distracted
>by something (possibly a girl). He was OK but the scooter wasn't.
>I think dad projected me into the situation and passed on two wheeled
>transportation for me from then on. ISTR the seat being red and the
>fairing black and white, but I could be wrong. Perhaps the hubs were red.
I remember the back fiberglass which went over the rear wheel and
engine was black and white, seat ws red, front was red, hubs black.
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