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Janet Bostwick[_2_] Janet Bostwick[_2_] is offline
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Default As Seen on TV: Topsy Turvy Tomato Planter??

"TFM®" > wrote in message
> "Janet Bostwick" > wrote in message
> ...
>> "Nancy Young" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> notbob wrote:
>>>> On 2009-05-04, Janet Bostwick > wrote:
>>>>> There are two kinds of tomato plants -- determinate and
>>>>> indeterminate -- describes how they grow. Determinate grow to a
>>>>> height of about 3 feet. Indeterminate will grow until frost kills
>>>>> them. They grow in length and width. Mine grow to about 10 feet in
>>>>> height. I would think that you would want to get the determinate
>>>>> kind for growing in one of these planters.
>>>> How do we ....wait for it!.... determine which is more appropriate?
>>> Hee hee. Well, determinate tomatoes ripen at the same time, while
>>> indeterminate tomatoes produce through the season. If you're going
>>> to be canning them, determinate are better.
>>> nancy

>> Snort! There's one in every crowd! You all are very lucky my husband
>> doesn't post to this group. He is an expert one-liner, play on words
>> person. No matter how I prepare and think about it, he always gets me
>> with a zinger. You're right about the determinate producing generally at
>> the same time. It isn't as though you get up one morning and bingo, they
>> are all there and all ripe. The season is more like green beans, you get
>> tomatoes for several, maybe more weeks. If you are going to grow
>> indeterminate in this kind of container, I would suggest pruning the
>> plant as it grows, otherwise you can have a tremendous weight and also
>> the water consumption will keep you standing on guard to keep it watered
>> sufficiently. Maybe prune out the leader as it gets to the length you
>> want and then keep track of the side shoots. The container may keep an
>> indeterminate in check growth wise, simply because of root space and food
>> in the soil -- I don't know. Check here to see what I mean. It's the
>> pics entitled October tomatoes. All tomatoes are indeterminate. Check
>> out the cherry tomato plant.

> That's what I'm talking about! W00T! That's what I'm used to seeing in
> Tennessee. Forgive my ignorance, but in what geographical region are you
> located? I don't want your tomatoes, I just want to know the climate.
> TFM®

Idaho, right outside the desert at about 3300 feet. Hotter than blazes and
dry in the summer. Soaker hoses and mulch are what I use. It gets hot
enough during the summer that it is often difficult to avoid blossom drop.