tomato paste vs tomato sauce
Doug Freyburger wrote:
> Let's see if I have it right with tomato products:
> Tomatoes - The plant complete with seeds and fiber.
> Tomato juice - Liquid not concentrated with the seeds and
> fiber removed. Likely to have gone through a concentration
> of removing water then having the water added back.
> Tomato sauce - More concentrated than juice, less water.
> Still flows freely.
> Tomato paste - More concentrated still. A jell rather than
> a liquid. Paste can be concentrated so much it can be
> squeezed from a tube like toothpaste.
> Juice, sauce and paste can be converted to each other by
> adding or removing water. If other ingredients are added
> that stops being true. I have no idea what this does to
> trace mineral contents.
> Make tomato sauce into spagetti sauce by adding garlic
> and other spices and it can no longer be converted.
There's also Tomato puree which is like a thinned paste and a product
with great utility value since regular tomato sauce is generally too
thin and paste will usually have to be diluted when used. This stuff is
probably not available everywhere - at least, I've never heard of it
until it popped up on the local Safeway shelve recently.