The key to making canned refried beans decent
> Omelet > wrote:
> I'd just spice them to taste and nuke them.
Nuked ain't fried.
The key to refried beans is to first fry up a whole mess o' pork chops, like
6-8, seasoned liberally with Penzys adobo, in a big heavy pan... make them
brown bits oink... then remove chops and dump in like three-four cans black
beans juice and all. Turn up the heat to devil hot and with a spud masher
smush n' mush n' stir. When half smooth and half bumpy and thick like lava
flow but not too thick flip chops back in to reheat a bit and serve up with
mucho warmed corn tortillas and a couple three six packs ice cold Corona
long necks. Serve with Melinda's XXXX.