Speaking of Breakfast...
On Thu, 07 May 2009 12:14:14 -1000, dsi1 > wrote:
>Mack A. Damia wrote:
>> On Thu, 07 May 2009 15:44:19 -0500, Sqwertz >
>> wrote:
>>> Mack A. Damia wrote:
>>>> A variation of poached; I wonder if it works!
>>> They *are* poached eggs. This is the way almost all quality restaurants
>>> poach eggs.
>> Never occured to me. I thought that the usual recipe calls for
>> vinegar in the water - I suppose it's something in the citric acid
>> that keeps the egg together.
>> Never heard of swirling the water, either, Poached eggs are the best.
>You want to acidify the water. Why? Beats me. The recipe say so but I've
>done it with plain salted water and it works fine. Swirling the water
>for me typically will result in a big mess so I don't bother. My guess
>is that I'm not going fast enough. The only technique I use is to gently
>slip the egg into the water.
I did a Google on it, and most seem to think that swirling is more
trouble than it's worth.
The consensus seemed to be to forget it and the vinegar.