On Fri, 8 May 2009 07:19:39 -0700 (PDT), Bobo Bonobo®
> wrote:
>On May 7, 3:49*pm, Mack A. Damia > wrote:
>> On Thu, 07 May 2009 15:44:19 -0500, Sqwertz >
>> wrote:
>> >Mack A. Damia wrote:
>> >> A variation of poached; I wonder if it works!
>> >They *are* poached eggs. *This is the way almost all quality restaurants
>> >poach eggs.
>> Never occured to me. *I thought that the usual recipe calls for
>> vinegar in the water - I suppose it's something in the citric acid
>> that keeps the egg together.
>Vinegar is acetic acid, not citric.
>> Never heard of swirling the water, either, Poached eggs are the best.
>Lightly basted eggs are the best. 
>I bought some Eggland's Best eggs yesterday. I had a coupon that made
>them a bargain. I hope that I don't get hooked. The yolks were even
>more delicious than yesterday's conventional eggs. The difference:
>Large EB eggs - $2.69/doz (22-1/2¢/egg)
>Large eggs from Aldi - 89¢/doz. (7-1/2¢/egg)
>My family eats *lots* of eggs.
>> --
>> mad
>--Bryan, aka Bobo Bonobo
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/15522299@N08/3491381708/
This has come up before in other groups, and there is no definitive
answer - just opinions based on what others say.
Should you refrigerate eggs?
Personally, I think the answer is "yes" and "no". Refrigerate them in
warm climates; you need not do so in cooler ones if the eggs are used
within reasonable time.