Kosher shrimp?
On May 8, 11:55*am, ChattyCathy > wrote:
> I know kosher salt (and other kosher food) has been discussed to death
> here over the years - but I was on a recipe hunt this afternoon and one
> of my cookbooks had a recipe that called for kosher shrimp.
> Huh?
> I have never seen it sold as such here (but then I've never looked for
> it). I can understand beef/pork/lamb/poultry having to be blessed
> and/or free of banned substances/whatever - but shrimp? Is this because
> of all the farmed shrimp one can get these days?
> BTW, I marked a couple thouands posts as read 20 minutes ago (tried to
> catch up and decided it was futile) - so if this has already been asked
> and answered, I apologize in advance.
> --
> Cheers
> Chatty Cathy
There is absolutely no such thing as "kosher" shrimp. MOCK shrimp,
maybe, but all shellfish are treif (not kosher) and you can't make
them kosher. Jews who keep kosher may not eat anything that lives in
the water if it does not have: dorsal fin. a tail and scales. No
eels, no mollusks, no shark, no catfish etc.
The only thing "less kosher" (there's really no such thing as "less
kosher') than shrimp is pork because swine are forbidden by name.
Also forbidden specifically are birds of prey, carrion eaters, animals
without cloven hoof and those who do not chew their cud.
Lynn from Fargo
does not keep kosher