"Joseph Littleshoes" > wrote in message
> sf wrote:
>> On Thu, 07 May 2009 22:15:40 -0500, Sky >
>> wrote:
>>>TFM® wrote:
>>>>What happens when you die?
>>>>I'd like to think that the mind lives on. I just don't know.
>>>>TFM® - I miss Christy *so* much!
>>>"Something" happens
In that regard, I have 'faith.'
> Either "something" does or it does not. And if it don't there is nothing
> to be concerned about, unless the loss of the self in existential
> annihilation is either sad or scary to an individual.
> As an inevitability it no longer scares me and as far as regret or loss,
> there is a certain comfort in the idea of avoiding any sort of
> phenomenology of the other side, whatever it may be.
>>>How do I know? An "out of body" experience is one that many folks do not
>>>(thankfully so!!!). I had an out-of-body experience when I was about
>>>14-years old and have never forgotten how peculiar that 'episode' was. I
>>>had fallen off my bicycle and suffered a rather severe head concussion
>>>- no funny comments from the peanut gallery, eh!!!! <G>. It's rather
>>>too hard to describe, but I truly believe 'Something' is out there.
> I agree.
>>>Sky, who doesn't know but bets Christy will be there, too 
>> I didn't have an out of body experience and I didn't believe in ghosts
>> or spirits, but I've changed my mind. Mom visited me just as I was
>> waking up (to say goodbye), almost exactly 24 hours after her death.
>> The memory comforts me when I miss her.
> Same here, very soon after, and said to me "Now you know."
> And that is but one of many dreams i have had regarding death.
> --
> JL
The replies have been from one end of the spectrum to the other.
The question was somewhat rhetorical.
None of us can know until we die.
I thank you all for your input. I know no more for the dialogue, however.
I will continue to live my life until the answer is given to me at the
appointed time.