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Hi folks! New member here
On Fri, 8 May 2009 21:40:55 -0700 (PDT), Bobo Bonobo®
> wrote:
>On May 8, 10:30*pm, wrote:
>> On Fri, 08 May 2009 20:18:29 -0700, Lin >
>> wrote:
>> wrote:
>> >> You know I'm getting fed up with you two pompous asses, when are you
>> >> ever going to grow up. If you'd use that pea brain god gave you,
>> >> eventually you'd figure it out that olive oil could be substituted.
>> >Now, don't jump my ass about this, but shortening does not substitute
>> >for olive oil. Shortening solidifies when it cools. Olive oil does not.
>> >Olive oil has a flavor -- if you have to use oil or fat to fry hamburger
>> >meat, use a vegetable or canola oil (if you can stand the stuff).
>> >That being said, your recipe calls for 3 lbs. of ground beef. I have
>> >NEVER in my whole entire life fried up fatty HB meat in oil or another
>> >fat. Not even 93-97% lean HB meat. HB meat has enough fat on it's own,
>> >and then you drain the fat off. Besides, any crispiness you may be
>> >trying to impart will be lost when it simmers in the sauce for the ages
>> >that you advise.
>> >Your nutritional analysis will vastly improve if you drop the extra
>> >shortening.
>> >I'm sure your way tastes pretty good, but *I* don't need the extra and
>> >unnecessary fat grams, TYVM.
>> >--Lin (not being snippy, just an observation)
>> It's ok Lin, I just just annoyed at the two bozos. *This was a family
>> recipe of my Mums, she used shortening ... it's the way it was done in
>> the 50's and 60's
>My mother painted the walls with lead paint in the 50s and 60s. Do
>you think that I should advise folks in a remodeling NG to do the same
>in 2009? My mother used Crisco to fry chicken back then too. These
>days, no one with any brains would do that.
>You might also want to review the rules for the use of the apostrophe:
>You omitted the apostrophe in Mum's (possessive, the recipe *belonged*
>to your mum). Also, since you said, "*my* mum, you shouldn't
>capitalize mum. Then there's the "50's and 60's" thing. Since the
>decades were not being used in the possessive sense, they should not
>have had an apostrophe in that position, though it is acceptable to
>write, '50s and '60s, where the apostrophe represents a 19.
>If I had the writing skills of Jethro Bodeen, I think I'd shy away
>from accusing others of having a "pea brain."
That's the way they did it in the 50's and 60's, deal with it.
Nice to see that I was correct about you and the pea brain, you've
sunk to a new low correcting english...atta boy.
Truly sad Bryan