On Sat, 09 May 2009 09:30:26 -0700, sf > wrote:
>On Sat, 09 May 2009 07:41:22 -0700, Mack A. Damia
> wrote:
>Nice! Do you live there or is it your vacation home? I hear that
>area is horrible to visit right now due to all the killings and
>kidnappings. How is it from your personal perspective? I wouldn't
>leave that Jag sitting outside unattended if things are as bad as the
>news says it is down there!
Don't believe everything you read. The violence is there but it
fairly restricted to certain neighborhood near the border.
If you want to find drugs and trouble in Mexico, you can find them. If
you want a nice, relaxing place to visit - without problems - then
that's available, too.
I bought this home in early 2001. (9/11 changed border security - but
I don't like to cross the border, anyway). It's really not a problem
- I complain, but I drive to Tecate through the wine country to avoid
the Tijuana border crossing when I have to cross.
I live near Ensenada, about 65 miles south of the border in a little,
quiet community of about 25 homes.
I wish I had a garage! My Jag is well-know in these parts. I have a
steering wheel lock on it and usually a cover over it when it's clean.
I haven't had any trouble. Also, three of the houses - including mine
- are in a cul-de sac, so we have chained off our section. We all
have keys and know where the spare is hidden.
Not really a good target for thieves. I have made it very difficult
for thieves to get *out* of my house, too, with electronics or
whatever when I'm not here for any length of time. I don't like to
leave. Can you blame me?