elaich wrote:
> Seriously, I had eliminated eggs from my diet because they had no taste.
> REAL eggs do have taste, and need very little in the way of salt, pepper,
> and other seasonings.
I don't eat them as often (though Bob still does) because of the fat and
cholesterol. I've been using the EggBeaters, and only occasionally have
a fresh egg at breakfast. Which means that when I do have one, it's
quite the treat!
> Buy real eggs if you can find them. And, they are much lower in cholesteral
> than the mass produced variety.
We have a particular egg producer that has the free range, organic eggs.
They cost us $5.50/doz. for jumbo brown eggs. We refuse to buy from
anyone else. You really can taste the difference.
Having been raised in the country and eating fresh eggs, I know what a
difference there is between the store bought white, Grade AA large and
what we had then and have now. That being said, I do buy the white eggs
at Easter for dying. Brown eggs look sort of weird, somewhat jaundiced
when you color them. Pastel "brown mustard" is not that appealing.
Unusual, yes -- but not appealing! ;-)