"elaich" > wrote in message ...
>I have been eating supermarket eggs for years.
> Last night, I stopped for gas at a country market, and they had brown eggs
> for $3.25 a dozen. I fried two of them this morning.
> I used to have chickens years ago, and I had forgotten what a real egg
> tastes like.
> Dark yellow, creamy yolk. Broke nicely, fried nicely. Tasted divine with
> some sourdough toast.
> Seriously, I had eliminated eggs from my diet because they had no taste.
> REAL eggs do have taste, and need very little in the way of salt, pepper,
> and other seasonings.
> Buy real eggs if you can find them. And, they are much lower in
> cholesteral
> than the mass produced variety.
That's not true. All chicken eggs contain the same cholesterol (and all
other nutritional values) relative to weight regardless how the chicken is
raised or fed. Egg flavor has only to do with freshnesss. Yolk color has to
do with colorant in their feed... yolk color has absolutely nothing to do
with nutritional value or taste. When you buy those expensive branded eggs
you are paying for advertizing, packaging, and ones own easily manipulated
mind. There is no way to make a chicken lay more or less nutritional eggs,
or have them taste differently... only the yolk color intensity can be
manipulated. The color of the egg shell indicates a different breed chicken
only, has no bearing on what's inside the egg. Oh, and egg shell
thickness/strength can also be manipulated to a slight degree.