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Bobo Bonobo® Bobo Bonobo® is offline
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Default Hi folks! New member here

On May 9, 10:33*pm, John Kuthe > wrote:
> On May 9, 8:29*pm, "Bob Terwilliger" >
> wrote:
> > Bobo replied about shortening:

> > >> * It's one of the best frying media for doughnuts -- and if you're frying
> > >> up a batch of doughnuts, healthy food is probably not high on your list
> > >> of priorities anyway.

> > > That is dead wrong. *I'm really into hiking off trail in the forest..
> > > During deer rifle season, I never go into the woods. *I guess that I could
> > > tell others, "Don't worry about wearing those orange jackets. *I mean,
> > > anybody who goes into the forest during rifle season must not mind getting
> > > shot to begin with." *It's the same faulty logic. *Donuts made with Crisco
> > > are *far* more unhealthy than those made with, say, peanut oil.

> > No, it's not "dead wrong," because the doughnuts fried in shortening TASTE
> > BETTER. That was the point. They're less healthy than doughnuts fried in
> > oil, but there's no such thing as a "healthy" fried doughnut, regardless of
> > what's being used to fry it.

> > Bob

> I think he's got you there, Bryan! ;-)

Are you suggesting that foods prepared withe partially hydrogenated
soybean oil "TASTE BETTER" than those prepared with, say, peanut oil?
Really John? Really?


What EXACTLY is more unhealthy about a doughnut fried in high
monounsaturate oil than:
A. a baked potato with sour cream and butter?
B. buttered white bread?
C. a conventional pepperoni pizza?
D. the strip steak that I am still finishing the last bits of?

The ONLY things unhealthy about donuts fried in high monounsaturate
oils a

1. Carbs, and I tell you, the glycemic index of a glazed donut is
LOWER than that of an equal calorie quantity of dry baked or mashed
potato. Don't believe me. Fine. Prove me wrong.

2. Acrylamide. Hey. Any time a food containing sugars and amino
acids is exposed to high heat (think the pizza or bread crusts), it
forms some acrylamides.

3. Calories? What? more than A, B or C?

4. Fat? A, B, C and D are all higher in saturated fats than our
donut, and while saturated fats aren't the horror that the partially
hydrogenated fats are, they are still somewhat unhealthy. Plus, "D,"
the steak, has nitrosamines:
Yeah, I admit that I browned it in hot peanut oil, as hot as my little
gas range would go.

So, both Bob and John, I ask you to back up your claim about the
unhealthiness of a donut cooked in high monounsaturate oil, vs. other
common carbohydrate containing foods. You're both intelligent guys,
and I can't imagine that you'd say that it is the *idea* of donut that
confers extra unhealthiness upon the measurable, empirically extant
foodstuff. Damn, no wonder why folks call me pompous, but it isn't
all that. I love language, and love to play with words, but I

Also, are you saying that trans isomers "TASTE BETTER" than the
overwhelmingly prevalent cis isomers in lard, clarified butter or even

These are not rhetorical questions. If either of you can demonstrate
that I'm wrong, please do so. Then I will follow up, changing the
subject header to BRYAN WAS WRONG, or I WAS MISTAKEN.

So far on this NG, the only valid critique of my cooking has come from
my old friend, who has suggested--if you read between the lines--that
I am overly staid (potentially un-creatively so) in my techniques/
> John Kuthe...
