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Omelet[_7_] Omelet[_7_] is offline
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Default Speaking of Breakfast...

In article >, "Ailurophile" >

> ompomelet said to mybaconbutty
> >> >Love the persian calico. :-)
> >> >You need more pics of her!
> >>
> >> <*sob*>
> >>
> >> It's been over a year, but I bought her from a breeder in San Diego,
> >> and she befcame lethargic over a four month period - I grew so
> >> attached to her. Strictly a house cat - a long-haired callico called
> >> Miss Moggy.
> >>
> >> She was the light of my life.
> >>
> >> I took her to the vet and he said he would keep her and monitor her;
> >> that was on a Monday. On Friday he called me to tell me she had died.
> >>
> >> I was supposed to pick her up Friday afternoon, too. He said she had
> >> a weak heart, and I do believe him. I was devastated, nonetheless.
> >>
> >> She's buried next to the Pacific Ocean.
> >>
> >> I haven't brought myself around to getting another one yet, even
> >> though the breeder said he would replace her. Don't know if I want
> >> to bother with him again. Bad karma.
> >> --
> >> mad

> >
> > Gods Mad', I'm so very sorry to hear that. :-(
> > Kitties take a bit of you with them when they go like that!
> >
> > Do get another one. You can't replace ones you have lost for sure, but
> > there are sooooo many kitties that need homes! Thousands are destroyed
> > in the shelters every year. <sigh>
> >
> > Please consider rescuing an adult or two? Please?

> I never saw the post that Om replied to. Mack, I am sure that some day you
> will know that the time is right to have another kitty. I can tell that you
> have not shut yourself off from it all together. Kitties are entertainment,
> love, and stress relief all wrapped up in a little furry ball. They make
> life better!
> Kitty, looking up with big, big eyes

<smiles> Selene, a long haired black cat, was purring in my lap when I
answered that post. She is many years old (I'd have to check with my
vet to get her exact age) and was bottle raised with two siblings from
around 1 week of age...

Isis and Gandalf, her littermates, are just as precious!
Isis is identical to her sister except for a couple of white whiskers
and a slightly more high strung personality, and Gandalf is a short hair
gray and very mellow.
Peace! Om

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass.
It's about learning to dance in the rain.
-- Anon.