In article >, Andy > wrote:
> > I actually _like_ Taco Bell food, but their cheap crispy tacos are still
> > my favorite.
> Om!!!
> LOL!
> You don't play pool at a taco bell do you?
> That was from zxcvbob's post poking fun at me. 
> The nachos grandé were the real McCoy! At the end you about needed a hammer
> to break it up. :9
> Yes, it was lots of fun! We had fun with my iPhone's "Bird Explorer+"
> program playing bird calls to guess at. Folks peeked in at us curiously. 
> Best,
> Andy
I hate to say this, but Taco Bell is the second best Mexican restaurant
in town. The #1 rate best is Herberts.
Peace! Om
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass.
It's about learning to dance in the rain.
-- Anon.