Omelet said...
> I hate to say this, but Taco Bell is the second best Mexican restaurant
> in town. The #1 rate best is Herberts.
There's not one single authentic Mexican restaurant in town. And believe
you me, I've pondered many of the conspiracy theories overheard on the
street!... "We have no Mexicans," "We have Taco Bell," "Starbucks won't
allow it." etc., etc.
There was a Chili's (the Olive Garden of Mexican cuisine) near the ACME
that served fork & knife sized burritos that were OK but one day I noticed
not only had it burned down but the lot was plowed clear of debris and
fenced in. They don't even do that for abandoned gas stations!!!
There is a Taco Bell "across the border" of my town. There's just something
about dehydrated Mexican crap fast food that turns my stomach.