Speaking of Breakfast...
In article >, "Ailurophile" >
> ompomelet wrote:
> > <smiles> Selene, a long haired black cat, was purring in my lap when I
> > answered that post. She is many years old (I'd have to check with my
> > vet to get her exact age) and was bottle raised with two siblings from
> > around 1 week of age...
> >
> > Isis and Gandalf, her littermates, are just as precious!
> > Isis is identical to her sister except for a couple of white whiskers
> > and a slightly more high strung personality, and Gandalf is a short hair
> > gray and very mellow.
> I have Belfanior, who is a tuxedo cat with one white ear. He is my
> sweetie-pie and starts to purr as soon as he comes within six feet of
> somebody. I rescued him from a shelter.
> Hair-trigger is a jumpy brindle boy who loves digging for imaginary prey in
> the corners of the rooms. I don't even need a lazer pointer to get HIM
> chasing things around! I got him from a friend who was joining the Marines
> shortly after 9/11.
> Then there is Sackajeweeya, a reddish cat I took in after someone abandoned
> her in my apartment complex. She is uncommonly friendly too, and a very
> unusual color. I've never seen another cat the same color as her!
> Dopalottamus (Dopey for short) is a big old fat gray tabby. He's 17 years
> old, if I'm doing the math right. He's pretty lazy nowadays, but he can
> still jump up to the back of my chair! I got him from a former boyfriend a
> LOOOOONG time ago.
> Ting-Tang is a Siamese mix. She is cross-eyed, very vocal, and very curious.
> She's the one most likely to try to get into the groceries while I'm trying
> to put them away. I think she's the youngest; she was much smaller when I
> got her two years ago.
> Kitty, trying to make a ying-yang with Ting-Tang
Mmm, sounds like a nice variety. Love the names! I still have a large
number of cats after promising mom literally on her death bed that I'd
take care of her rescue cats. Our beloved golden tom Garfael passed
away last week.
That leaves:
Amber (Torty)
Bastet (Calico)
Gandalf (gray)
Heidi (Calico)
Horus (dark tiger, long hair)
Isis (Black, long hair)
Ka (Seal point siamese)
Maris (gray with white paws)
Mitsie (medium fir calico)
Princess (seal point snowshoe, medium hair)
Samantha (Ginger tabby)
Selene (medium hair black)
Serena (medium hair calico)
Tigre (dark tiger)
Sqwertz (dark tiger)
Xena (gray and white patched)
Saris (dark tiger, sorta ginger mix)
Cookies (blue point siamese)
Chrisobel (medium hair dark tiger)
Chipmonk (Ginger tabby)
Cleo' (Blue point siamese)
They all have their stories. Most abandoned strays, a few bottle fed,
but all with sob stories. <sigh>
They are a handful and expensive, but ALL are "fixed" so no unwanted
kittens are coming into the world here!
That is exactly 1/2 of the cats that were here when mom died. I had
them cremated and placed into cat shaped urns. Hurts when we lose one
no matter how many there were. :-( I knew them all and their histories.
I have a checklist of all names of the cats that have passed over the
last 20 year too.
Little Lady
Peace! Om
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass.
It's about learning to dance in the rain.
-- Anon.