Thread: Eggs
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Default Eggs

"Michael "Dog3"" > wrote in message
> "Ophelia" >
> : in
>> Michael, what do you mean by 'fake' eggs? Are Eggbeaters fake eggs?
>> What
>> are they made from?

> It's the white of the egg plus other "stuff". I'm sure there is a dye of
> some sort in them to make them look yellow. They're okay for a number of
> dishes. I like them for scrambled eggs sometimes.

Eggbeaters are disgusting, a hundred times more TIAD than kosher shrimp.
It's cheaper to simply buy eggs, separate them, and throw the yolks away,
taste better too... If ya gotta have something yellow in the middle use a
melon baller to make a yolk outa cornmeal mush, I just made that up but I
bet it's good... hey, yoose hillybillys eat grits n' eggs alla time. If I
couldn't eat eggs I just wouldn't eat eggs, no biggie. Lotsa folks rave
about cilantro, but I can't eat it, may as well eat a bar of soap... I don't
miss cilantro, I eat parsley instead, there are plenty of other herbs.
There are plenty of other foods besides eggs... I mean you can eat a ham
sandwich without eggs.. a grilled hamsteak on a crusty roll can't be a bad
breakie. I've made pancakes without eggs, the way folks load em with syrup
no one will notice... and there are plenty of brands of butter flavored
oleo, and if you don't say no one notices. Anyways, unless you're actually
alergic to egg yolk I don't see any problem with having a couple whole eggs
once or twice a week... not eating eggs at all won't save you any
cholesterol, the body makes its own and the folks that don't eat eggs to
save on cholesterol ain't saving anything when they eat all those meats,
dairy and other everyday foods that contain cholesterol... a chicken/turkey
sammiche contains as much if not more cholesterol than an egg yolk. I think
folks take this cholesterol thing way too far. And that said I'm having a
big juicy porterhouse for dinner tonight... hey, I haven't had any eggs this