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sqwertz sqwertz is offline
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Posts: 874
Default Dandelion in salad or sauted

On Sun, 10 May 2009 16:33:01 -0700 (PDT), pamjd wrote:

> I have heard they are very healthy for people to eat in salads. Are
> they OK to use as long as they have not gone to flower yet? My
> Grandmother used to boil them and I did not like them that way,
> sprinkled with vinegar. How do you harvest and prepare them? TIA

We used to have dandeions as weeds. I used to pop the tops off and
this milky whikte stuff would seep out. Don't get your fingers any
where near you mouth after that since it's the bitterest stuff on
earth. I can't imagine eating them.

I tried a leaf at the supermarket a few years ago. Same thing.
