Dandelion in salad or sauted
On May 10, 6:33*pm, pamjd > wrote:
> I have heard they are very healthy for people to eat in salads. *Are
> they OK to use as long as they have not gone to flower yet? *My
> Grandmother used to boil them and I did not like them that way,
> sprinkled with vinegar. *How do you harvest and prepare them? TIA
You should only eat dandelions (or any weed/natural plant) if you KNOW
it has not been treated with pesticides. Dandelion greens are only
edible very early - they get too bitter fast! You need the first
tender little leaves. People also use dandelion roots to make a
coffee-like drink. Think of chicory coffee like the cafe au lait they
serve at the French Market in New Orleans. Also edible are dandelion
"crowns" - the part just barely under the soil where the leaves turn
into roots. Fresh un-sprayed blossoms are used to make wine or
jelly. Baby leaves may be used raw in salads or cooked like spinach.
Lynn in Fargo
would rather have purslane or lamb's quarters