The Mother's Day thing :)
"Arri London" > wrote in message
> Earlier in the week asked the Maternal Unit if she wanted to go out for
> a meal or have me cook on Sunday. She opted for the home cooking cos she
> thought it might get too crowded to have a nice meal anywhere I could
> afford :P When asked what she wanted, the answer was 'ribs' (on the
> grill), of which we have two slabs in the freezer. However, I'd earlier
> put them on top of the freezer shelf, correctly guessing that's what
> she'd want. Clever eh?
> Haven't decided the rest of the meal yet. Prolly go all trad with potato
> salad and summat else. Fresh strawberries (0.88 per lb) for dessert,
> with whipped cream.
> As a pressie, stringing a necklace for her with turquoise nuggets (from
> a necklace I previously shortened for her) and tiny rice pearls, with a
> silver clasp.
> And you?
My brother and I made brunch. He made omelettes, sausage, english muffins; I
made Eibrot, bacon, and prepared the berries (strawberries, blackberries,
and raspberries). We both worked on the hash browns, lol. It was delicious,
and my mom was happy to have everyone (Dad, 3 brothers, their
wives/girlfriend, myself, and all the kids) around her. My sister and
another brother in MN had an "Edible Arrangement" sent over...if you're not
familiar, it's a bunch of fresh fruit made to look like a flower bouquet. It
included cantaloupe, pineapple, honeydew, grapes, watermelon, and
strawberries (both chocolate covered and unadorned). It was yummy too!
My daughter painted me a beautiful watercolor as a gift, which I loved.