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external usenet poster
Posts: 1,107
In article >, Omelet > wrote:
>In article >,
(Phred) wrote:
>> In article >, "Bob Terwilliger"
>> > wrote:
>> >Sheldon wrote:
>> >
>> >> Egg flavor has only to do with freshnesss.
>> >
>> >Bullshit. You're a ****ing moron. When you don't know the first thing about
>> >a subject, you should just keep your hands off the keyboard, rather than
>> >spouting that kind of ignorant shit.
>> >
>> >> There is no way to make a chicken lay more or less nutritional eggs, or
>> >> have them taste differently... only the yolk color intensity can be
>> >> manipulated.
>> >
>> >Again, bullshit. An EASY refutation is the eggs which contain Omega-3 fatty
>> >acids.
>> Are they the ones referred to he
>> <quoting>
>> Egg Producers Deceive Consumers, Violate Law with Bogus Omega-3 Claims
>> </quoting>
>> Article title from: <> FWIW
>I know for a _fact_ after years of raising and hatching poultry that
>diet CAN affect egg nutrition! The hens diet is crucial to hatch rates.
>Silkies are a good example. I used to breed japanese silkies in blue,
>white, black and mixed colors. Most of my dead in shell fully developed
>chicks were the black ones when I necropsied eggs that did not hatch.
>Silkies are odd. They have a black pigment thru both their skin and
>their bones, and that black pigment required Tyrosine. Due to black
>feathering, most eggs were deficient in Tyrosine unless you SUPPLEMENTED
>it in the hens diet. Chicks developed but died before hatching if you
>did not supplement mixed colored or black hens with that amino acid.
>Emus that were fed cattle feed instead of a proper layer feed also had a
>high percentage of in shell chick deaths due to lack of nutrients.
>I'd suggest you study animal husbandry instead of bogus studies
>published by morons with an agenda.
Sorry Om, I didn't realise we were talking about dietary deficiencies.
I assumed we were talking about the effects of an adequate diet in the
usual sense of energy, protein, minerals, and vitamins, for the
species concerned.
Incidentally, if you had actually read what I said, instead on putting
your own spin on it, you would have realised that (a) it was a
question and (b) there was more than a touch of "taken with salt" in
referring to that site. (Or did you miss the "FWIW"?)
Cheers, Phred.
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