Whisking eggs
blake murphy wrote:
> On Sun, 10 May 2009 20:54:25 -0500, Andy wrote:
>> said...
>>> when I make an omelette I just spend 10 or 20 seconds whisking it.
>>> Is there any benefit to doing it for much longer? On TV they always
>>> show people furiously whisking the egg mixture for a while.
>> Yes whisking eggs for a minimum of three hours is instrumentally
>> beneficial.
>> Fidiot!
> can you explain why he's an idiot, andy? he asked a lucid question
> about food, which is far more on-topic than some of the gibberish you
> post.
Andy used to be a nice person. These days he seem to think it is clever to
snipe at people and rubbish their posts. If only he realised how it makes
him look. Certainly not clever as he seems to think.