Mothers day Menu
On Sun, 10 May 2009 11:01:59 -0700, Dimitri wrote:
> First happy Mothers Day to all the real moms out there.
> Second to the cooks - don't forget to clean the kitchen and load the
> dishwasher before the final 4 fingers of hooch.
> Our Menu tonight -
> Boneless Chuck Pot Roast - done in the oven while attending a local theater
> (Pewter Plough Playhouse) matinee, with Potatoes, onions, carrots, gravy and
> Dessert will be a Hot Bread Pudding made with stale home made sourdough and
> Madera soaked Craisins and fresh whipped cream.
> Your Menu?
> Oh yes Grandma (92) gets her margarita with a thimble of booze.
> Dimitri
jeez, it's mother's day - let her have *two* thimbles.
your pal,