"Omelet" > wrote in message

> In article >,
> "Bob Terwilliger" > wrote:
>> Om replied to Sheldon:
>> >> When you have to pay like a grand to repair a broken tooth/crown from
>> >> biting down on a tiny pebble embedded in a carrot, plus all the pain
>> >> and
>> >> inconvenience, you'll have no one to blame but your lazy assed self...
>> >> you'd best not have guests for dinner. Foreign matter embedded in
>> >> root
>> >> veggies is a lot more common then you think... many a restaurant and
>> >> major food companies have had to pay dental bills.
>> >
>> > You need to buy better quality carrots babe!
>> > If you are purchasing produce that is that filthy, you may need to
>> > reconsider where you are buying them.
>> Sheldon was probably referring to his home-grown carrots. Sounds like he
>> was
>> just as sloppy about cleaning his carrots as he is about cleaning
>> himself,
>> and he ended up with a broken tooth out of it.
>> Bob
> I don't know if he grows carrots. I've never seen any in his produce
> pics.
Would you post pictures of cat litter embedded carrots? I wouldn't either.