maxine wrote:
> On May 11, 1:21 pm, ChattyCathy > wrote:
> The deal is in our local markets (at least some of them) that
> mismarked items , the first one is free, and the rest are rung up at
> the correct price, so it doesn't pay to fill your cart up.
> I did that the year the turkeys were mismarked.. Bought the 2 I
> needed, got one free. Next day, went to the same store, and bought 2
> more, again one free.
> Yes, they had to fill out paperwork on that, so it should have gone to
> the computer department to be corrected.
> Then there are the stores that just reprice it at the register and
> ignore anything else, hoping that the other customers aren't as sharp-
> eyed and won't complain that the price is too high.
I once got a hell of a deal on beef tenderloins. I didn't even realize
it until the cashier rang it up. I had been on an assignment all week
and hadn't had a proper dinner with meat for 5 days, so I was really
craving meat. The tenderloins were way bigger than I would normally have
picked up.... because I knew they were going to be expensive. I
hesitated, but I was really craving and figured that my meat abstinence
warranted the extra cost. The guy at the meat counter was a teenager.
When I asked for two filets, he didn't know what I meant. I had to point
them out. I was expecting them to cost $25-30, but I didn't even want
to look at the price. I was just going to pay it and enjoy it. All the
way to the checkout I was dreading the price of that beef. Curiousity
got the best of me and I watched the cashier ring it up. It was less
than $6.
I might have been a little more conscientious about reporting the error,
but what the hell. The prices in that store are considerably more than
other local stores so it would balance out. Besides, if they are going
to hire people for the meat counter they should get someone who has some
idea of what they are doing. I don't usually buy meat in that store
because it is usually a lot more expensive and not great quality or
FWIW.... those filets were really good.