breakfast on Sunday
On May 12, 12:22*pm, Mack A. Damia > wrote:
> On Tue, 12 May 2009 13:16:20 -0400, Kate Connally >
> wrote:
> >I had sausage gravy and biscuits. *I posted a while back
> >the problem with getting White Lily flour in Pittsburgh.
> >The mail order costs are way too high these days, so I was
> >looking for a substitute. *I found Hudson's Cream self-rising
> >flour at Walmart. *So I tried it in my favorite biscuit recipe
> >which calls for the White Lily self-rising. *They were great.
> >So, it's nice to know that I can't get a good self-rising flour
> >at Walmart.
> Funny that you posted this because I've been thinking of good sausage
> gravy and biscuits for a while, now. *That's a favorite meal in
> military mess ha;ll.
> Also, creamed, chipped-beef on toast *(SOS)
People *like* that stuff? Ewww.
There's a reason why it's calles S.
> You in Oakland?
> --
> mad