On Mon, 11 May 2009 10:21:11 -0500, Andy wrote:
> l, not -l said...
>> On 11-May-2009, Andy > wrote:
>>> <eot>
>> I prefer Li'l Smokies, thank you.
> l, not -l,
> That's "The Huge Metropolis Of..." local TV morning weather's talking head
> as he announces the weather around a dozen major cities around the U.S.A.
> He throws one fun one out at the end! 
> I've set an alarm to sound to remind me to change channels to hear the
> day's "Huge metropolis of..." A morning ritual. 
> Best,
> Andy
great, now we not only get to hear about what you had for breakfast but
also about whatever idiotic blather you hear on your t.v. while you're
having it.
you lead a fascinating life, andy. please tell us what part you wash first
when you're in the shower.