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Andy[_15_] Andy[_15_] is offline
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Default What Fires You Up in a Morning?

Mack A. Damia said...

> Usually up before 6, and I start my day with a mug of tea - British
> Blend - very strong, and I drink my tea with milk and sugar.
> After that, it's usually decaffinated coffee for the rest of the
> morning, although I may have an occasional cup of high-test.
> Usually drink freeze dried. Sometimes, I use regular with the coffee
> maker.


Your thread is certainly getting some good mileage. Congrats!

I don't drink coffee anymore. I keep a 2 cup coffee maker around. Trouble
was no cup of coffee I ever brewed tasted like great coffee. Heck, even the
diner's brew tasted better than mine.

At the cafe, I'd make the best espresso drinks, so the bar for homemade was
set pretty high.

Funny that a visiting friend complimented my "from beans" fresh brewed
coffee. Obviously my taste for coffee went to pasture some time ago.

Waking up fires me up every morning! I wake up wide awake and talkative.
I've been punched for that. Lately, doing the morning NYT crossword puzzle
has been lots of fun.

I get a kick out of getting up before the neighborhood does. Kinda/sorta
makes me feel like I have the world to myself, for a little while anyway.

Eat first, talk later.