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Jean B.[_1_] Jean B.[_1_] is offline
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Default What Fires You Up in a Morning?

Andy wrote:
> Mack A. Damia said...
>> Usually up before 6, and I start my day with a mug of tea - British
>> Blend - very strong, and I drink my tea with milk and sugar.
>> After that, it's usually decaffinated coffee for the rest of the
>> morning, although I may have an occasional cup of high-test.
>> Usually drink freeze dried. Sometimes, I use regular with the coffee
>> maker.

> Mack,
> Your thread is certainly getting some good mileage. Congrats!
> I don't drink coffee anymore. I keep a 2 cup coffee maker around. Trouble
> was no cup of coffee I ever brewed tasted like great coffee. Heck, even the
> diner's brew tasted better than mine.
> At the cafe, I'd make the best espresso drinks, so the bar for homemade was
> set pretty high.
> Funny that a visiting friend complimented my "from beans" fresh brewed
> coffee. Obviously my taste for coffee went to pasture some time ago.
> Waking up fires me up every morning! I wake up wide awake and talkative.
> I've been punched for that. Lately, doing the morning NYT crossword puzzle
> has been lots of fun.
> I get a kick out of getting up before the neighborhood does. Kinda/sorta
> makes me feel like I have the world to myself, for a little while anyway.
> Andy

Oh, speaking of non-food and -beverage things, I enjoy seeing my
cardinals, which are very diligent feeders, out before it is
totally light.

Jean B.