What Fires You Up in a Morning?
In article >,
Mack A. Damia > wrote:
> On Tue, 12 May 2009 10:47:34 -0500, Omelet >
> wrote:
> >In article >,
> > Mack A. Damia > wrote:
> >
> >> Usually up before 6, and I start my day with a mug of tea - British
> >> Blend - very strong, and I drink my tea with milk and sugar.
> >>
> >> After that, it's usually decaffinated coffee for the rest of the
> >> morning, although I may have an occasional cup of high-test.
> >>
> >> Usually drink freeze dried. Sometimes, I use regular with the coffee
> >> maker.
> >
> >At 6 am?
> >
> >The thought that I get to go home in 30 more minutes. <g>
> >
> >From work, I go to the gym, then home to do my AM chores and cooking. I
> >then do my physical therapy, make myself some brunch and a cocktail
> >before relaxing on the internet before going to bed by around 14:00 or
> >earlier.
> >
> >When I get up at 8pm, it's 2 capsules of Green Tea Extract and a glass
> >of water before hitting the shower and going to work.
> The graveyard shift?
> I could never get used to it. In the military, it was a month of
> days, a month of swing, and a month of graveyard. What a pain; I was
> a mess!
It got me a Monday thru Friday shift and off of weekends. Been doing it
for 4 years now, but I am a nightowl by nature.
> Capsules: Soylent Green?
<snork> Hardly. <g>
Green tea extract, 400mg x 2.
Peace! Om
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass.
It's about learning to dance in the rain.
-- Anon.