Thread: Like Offal?
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Ophelia[_7_] Ophelia[_7_] is offline
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Default Like Offal?

bulka wrote:
> On May 13, 4:01 am, "Ophelia" > wrote:
>> bulka wrote:
>> Anyways, if you can get chicken
>>> feet, they make great soup.

>> I have never had chicken feet, but atm I have a great butcher who
>> might possibly be able to get some for me. If I have a recipe, I
>> could ask him.
>> Can someone share a recipe for using them, please?

> The only time I've had ready access to feet was for the few months
> before the store that also had the goat heads fired the insane meat
> buyer, so I don't have a lot of experience, but when have I let that
> stop me?

Heh, we all need an insane meat buyer)

> They are mostly skin, bone, cartilage or collagen or whatever. Not as
> much meat as a wing tip. In a stock they thicken, aspic (if that can
> be a verb) it pretty good.

Yep, to aspic makes perfect sense It also sounds pretty much what I had
hoped for.

In the soup, thrown in with the other
> ingredients, they make - I don't usually have to search this hard for
> words - succulent tidbits amonst the beans and carrot and thighmeat
> and whatever you use.

All those adjectives make perfect sense to me...I promise)

Once they have cooked enough for all that
> connective tissue to melt or breakdown or re-combine into a sort of
> chickeny jelly. I don't think you want a pot of just feet soup.

Definitely not

> remember my mother, who used to have to help kill dinner in the back
> yard, and so had access to the whole bird, reminise that the feet were
> her favorite part.

> Just skimmed Nathalie's recipie. Looks like more complicated and
> better, but similar to my duck foot fake. If I ever find feet and a
> receptive audience, I'm on it. Thanks.

I have saved and shall be looking at Nathalie's recipe, if and when I can
obtain the illusive feets <g>

Thank you for your explanation, Bulka. Once I have ascertained the
availability, I will get back to you, if I may