Zeppo said...
> "Andy" > wrote in message
> ...
>> sf said...
>>> On Tue, 12 May 2009 16:47:52 -0700 (PDT), Chemo the Clown
>>> > wrote:
>>>>On May 12, 2:29 pm, Andy > wrote:
>>>>> Buffalo is Back!
>>>>> Just rang up Whole Foods and they got re-supplied with buffalo
>>>>> meats. Finally!!!
>>>>> I was a little confounded at the shortage of the buffalo supply but
>> after
>>>>> thinking about it, heck, they don't grow on trees!!! Thank God!
>>>>> LOL!!!
>>>>> Best,
>>>>> Andy
>>>>> --
>>>>> Eat first, talk later.
>>>>I'd rather eat deer, elk or antelope. I think buffalo is rather bland.
>>> Andy loves his buffalo burgers, Chemo. He's been like a ship without
>>> a rudder without it. Thank goodness his beloved buffalo is back! 
>> sf,
>> Why yes, yes I do like buffalo. Heck, even my blood pressure is back to
>> normal. <VBG>
>> There's a restaurant/saloon called the "Half Moon" about an hour away
>> in Kennett Square (the mushroom capital of the world) that serves up a
>> dozen or so kinds of wild game, in the form of burgers. It was
>> showcased on a segment of "Food Paradise: Burger Paradise."
>> http://www.halfmoonrestaurant.com/
>> I've been meaning to try it.
> Looks interesting. Sorry I hadn't heard about is sooner.
> We were down that way at the Longwood Gardens Jazz and Wine fest last
> week. We were thinking about stopping somewhere local for dinner on the
> way home but hadn't brought anything with us to look stuff up (laptop,
> GPS, etc.), so we just headed home and ordered out.
> Jon
Well now that you know...
In all my time in PA, I've never been to Longwood Gardens!

I did however
get hung up at Winterthur several times.
I rummaged around the internet and dug out (AH!!! Honey, I found it!

)) the
Longwood Gardens performance/concert schedule and saw Boz Scaggs! June 20th.
Maybe I'll stop by.
Eat first, talk later.