was Buffalo is Back! -- Ostrich, yummmm
On Wed, 13 May 2009 15:53:57 GMT, "l, not -l" > wrote:
>On 13-May-2009, Andy > wrote:
>> I've seen ostrich at Whole Foods which looks super-lean. No clue how it's
>> raised OR tastes.
>> Best,
>> Andy
>Mmmmm, ostrich medallions. I have only had ostrich once, several years ago,
>in the restaurant of an old hotel in SF, somewhere near the Mark Hopkins.
>Wow, what a great meal; a large part of which was the ambience of the room;
>kind of an Olde English, polished dark wood walls place, segmented into 2 or
>3 seating areas by paneling and spindle walls. Would be afraid to try
>ostrich again for fear it could not possibly be as good as I recall the meal
>that night.
Ever see the farms in the Southwest? I seem to recall that they
encourage visitors to stop.