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Bobo Bonobo® Bobo Bonobo® is offline
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Default Buffalo is Back!

On May 13, 9:08*am, Andy > wrote:
> Bobo Bonobo® said...
> > Andy, I've had buffalo burgers (grass fed), as well as grass fed
> > beef. *I have relatives who are in a different economic stratum than
> > myself. *I like it, but never got the 9-10 dollars a pound for
> > hamburger thing. *I feel the same way about grass fed steaks. *In the
> > olden days, they used to grass feed and corn finish. *Now it's mostly
> > either grass fed to the end, or way too much supplemental corn before
> > corn finishing. *Given a choice, I prefer the flavor of the latter,
> > though I realize it is both less healthy and less environmentally
> > friendly.
> > Perhaps I should have written, "In my experience, 'Grass fed buffalo
> > does tend to be blander than corn finished beef.'" *Hey, it's me who
> > has the cheap tastes, right?

> Bryan,
> Could be a taste bud thing? I've had corn fed buffalo and it tasted no
> different than ground chuck.
> A couple (for me) advantages of free range buffalo is I can have a bloody
> rare burger or steak without worrying about ecoli. Don't remember where I
> learned that.

It's not so much that as that the bacteria that the surfaces of the
meat could be contaminated with is far less likely to be disease
resistant than in factory farmed (feedlot) cattle, where because of
overcrowding and too long a time spent on too much corn, the cattle
get sick and require antibiotics. I've taken my chances on the bloody
raw beef since I was about 12, and started buying my own beef so that
I could eat it raw. Yeah, I know, weird. Most kids would spend their
money on candy or fast food. For me it was bottom round steaks. I
could get one for less than a dollar, and it provided me a good long
while of pleasure eating it because it was so tough. I have good

The other is, compared to beef, it has next to no effect as
> far as gout attacks go. Why? I dunno!
> I've seen ostrich at Whole Foods which looks super-lean. No clue how it's
> raised OR tastes.

Every time I've eaten it it has reminded me of chicken or turkey
gizzard/heart meat.
I've given it a few chances, each time from a different source. No
ostrich for me.
> Best,
> Andy
