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Bob Muncie Bob Muncie is offline
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Default Attention! All beet lovers (misguided though you may be)!

Omelet wrote:
> In article >,
> Kate Connally > wrote:
>> Came across this thoroughly disgusting recipe and saved it
>> for my "weird" recipes file (recipes I wouldn't touch with
>> a ten-foot pole (or even a czech)! Not only does it have
>> the evil beet in it but disgusting moldy cheese as well.
>> Enjoy!
>> 2 8-oz. cans small beets, drained
>> 1 oz. bleu cheese
>> 1 oz. roquefort cheese
>> 3 oz. cream cheese, at room temp.
>> 1 T. worcestershire sauce
>> finely chopped parsley or paprika for garnish
>> Dry beets, hollow the beets with small paring knife. Blend cheeses and
>> worcestershire sauce. Using a small spoon or pastry bag, fill beets
>> with the cheese mixture and sprinkle with finely chopped parsley or
>> paprika. Do not make too far in advance. Refrigerate before serving.
>> Kate

> That actually sounds pretty tasty.
> Dad likes to shred canned beets and serve them with sour cream.

Kate - That does sound tasty. But since I love the sharpness of
roquefort, I'd do this with 2 Oz of that and skip actual blue cheese. I
copy/pasted for the day the ingredients and taste buds align. Thanks!

Om - I thought that was a traditional side dish in Europe with lots of
variations depending on what country you were in.

One of my favorite things to do while traveling in europe was to request
the "house salad" every where I went. The most interesting one I had?
was half of an onion (not sliced) with a half tomato (also not sliced)
with a splash of some vinegar and olive oil. That was somewhere in Spain
as I recall.

Experiencing life is for the young. Why do we have to get older to
appreciate the simple things?
