Attention! All beet lovers (misguided though you may be)!
In article >,
Bob Muncie > wrote:
> Kate - That does sound tasty. But since I love the sharpness of
> roquefort, I'd do this with 2 Oz of that and skip actual blue cheese. I
> copy/pasted for the day the ingredients and taste buds align. Thanks!
> Om - I thought that was a traditional side dish in Europe with lots of
> variations depending on what country you were in.
I think it's called "Borscht"?
> One of my favorite things to do while traveling in europe was to request
> the "house salad" every where I went. The most interesting one I had?
> was half of an onion (not sliced) with a half tomato (also not sliced)
> with a splash of some vinegar and olive oil. That was somewhere in Spain
> as I recall.
> Experiencing life is for the young. Why do we have to get older to
> appreciate the simple things?
> Bob
Peace! Om
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass.
It's about learning to dance in the rain.
-- Anon.