Pink Pork Ribs
"phaeton" wrote
> Sqwertz wrote:
>>> I've always heard that a slow-cooker is pretty much idiot proof, but
>>> i've found a way to become a better idiot.
>>> As per the recipe in my BH&G, I made pork ribs with sauerkraut and
>>> apples. The ribs in question were 2.19 pounds of boneless country-
>>> style, not smoked, and fully thawed (1.5 days in the fridge).
>>> Essentially, half the crock was filled with chopped carrots, potatoes
>>> and onion. Then i pan-seared the ribs and put them in, then
>>> sauerkraut on top. A little bit of apple cider and some spices went
>>> on top. My slow-cooker is 4.5qt, and when all was said and done, it
>>> was full to the brim. I put it on HIGH for 6 hours.
If you made a mistake, it was too many veggies per load there. It should be
about 1/3 veggies per meat for that recipe and the time used.
>>> When it was done, i removed everything. The hunk of meat I ate was
>>> falling apart and delicious, fully cooked all the way through.
>>> However, this morning when I was going to pack a lunch for myself, I
>>> cut into one of the ribs and it was pink! I don't know if this one
Don't freak. Far too many recall by 'rote' that pork has to be well done.
This is not accurate. In fact you heated to temp most likely and had a
softer yet still safe product.
> The reason I'm a little nervous about pinkish meats is that I've had food
> poisoning before and I don't want to have it again. I realize people take
> chances with it all the time and win (all the time), but I think I'm less
> lucky compared to average. I'm getting better about eating (beef) steaks
> that bleed a little, but I've always been told that chicken and pork
> should NEVER be pink, EVER.
Food kops got ya eh?