On May 12, 6:50 am, Bobo Bonobo® > wrote:
> On May 12, 3:57 am, Andy > wrote:
> > Chef Badges of Honor?
> > On some cooking programs I've seen a few hosts that have badges on their
> > sleeves.
> > What do they represent? They never zoom in close enough to tell.
> > I'm guessing it's a cooking school "diploma."
> > ??
> "The toque (chef's hat) dates back to the 16th century when hats were
> common in many trades. Different heights of hats indicate rank within
> a kitchen. The symbolism of the 100 folds of the toque are said to
> represent the many different ways a chef knows to cook an egg."
> source-- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chef%27s_uniform
> > Andy
> --Bryan
I'm trying to remember the name and author. Russian. Maybe Gogol.
Members of the Writers' Union were given fur hats, status matched by
the staus of the fur, from sable on down. The narrator discovers his
was made from a cat.