On Thu, 14 May 2009 01:08:49 -0700 (PDT), bulka wrote:
> On May 12, 6:50 am, Bobo Bonobo® > wrote:
>> On May 12, 3:57 am, Andy > wrote:
>>> Chef Badges of Honor?
>>> On some cooking programs I've seen a few hosts that have badges on their
>>> sleeves.
>>> What do they represent? They never zoom in close enough to tell.
>>> I'm guessing it's a cooking school "diploma."
>>> ??
>> "The toque (chef's hat) dates back to the 16th century when hats were
>> common in many trades. Different heights of hats indicate rank within
>> a kitchen. The symbolism of the 100 folds of the toque are said to
>> represent the many different ways a chef knows to cook an egg."
>> source-- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chef%27s_uniform
>>> Andy
>> --Bryan
> I'm trying to remember the name and author. Russian. Maybe Gogol.
> Members of the Writers' Union were given fur hats, status matched by
> the staus of the fur, from sable on down. The narrator discovers his
> was made from a cat.
> B
sounds like gogol. his 'diary of a madman' is one of the greatest things
ever. 'the nose' is pretty funny, too.
your pal,