How to use a dishwasher
brooklyn1 wrote:
> "Lou" > wrote:
>> "Vic Smith" > wrote:
>>> Do what you want, but don't think electrically drying dishes has no
>>> cost. Unless you can scientifically prove it.
>> I don't know how much water has to be evaporated to dry a load of dishes,
>> but it doesn't look like it would be much, and the amount of electricity
>> used is correspondingly small - I doubt if anyone would notice a change in
>> their electricity bill one way or the other.
> Absolutely true... finally someone with a functioning brain... a very rare
> commodity these days, obviously.
OTOH, a friend's electric bill was cut in half when she stopped running her
coffeemaker all day.
Cheers, Bev
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Some people are like Slinkies... Not really good for
anything, but they still bring a smile to your face
when you push them down a flight of stairs.