Pink Pork Ribs
Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> On 2009-05-12 19:41:46 -0500, phaeton > said:
>> George wrote:
>>> Did you use "walmart quality" meat by any chance? Browned "country
>>> ribs" , kraut, onions and potatoes is one of my favorite crockpot
>>> meals. I have never noticed what you described. I always buy pork
>>> from a local store that has an in house meat dept and doesn't sell
>>> the adulterated "walmart quality" meat.
>> No, it was a few notches up from Wal-Mart Quality. It was Hormel
>> brand (they're local to me). The supermarket I got it from used to
>> tout that none of their meats were pre-treated, salt-injected,
>> moisture-enhanced or otherwise messed with, so I never looked. I
>> guess that has since changed.
>> -J
> Are you in Meen-ah-sota, J? I've stopped buying most supermarket pork
> unless I know it hasn't been injected. I can't think of a Hormel
> product that is not injected€”*maybe* bacon. Cub has uninjected pork
> tenderloins on sale at their fresh meat case for $2.99/lb for the next
> couple weeks. I think I've bought about 6 of them. Mostly I buy my
> pork from Amor Pork <> or Ready Meats in NE Minneapolis.
Close. I'm in Weez-kawn-sehn.
Interestingly, Cub is where I bought this injected pork. I went back
earlier in the week and didn't see ANY pork that was NOT Hormel, and NOT
injected. Looks like I'll have to go to Woodman's until the new
Hy-Vee opens up.
Either way, injected pork is bad, mmkay?